Sunday, October 21, 2007

First Fall 2006

From our first fall, here are some pictures of the "grounds."

Fall Blooms

Its moving on towards the end of October and I wanted to remember what these flowers looked like and try to figure out what they are called. I seem to recall these guys are some sort of Japanese plant. For the last two years the one closest to the driveway had died in September. The others seem to hang in there.

In the front of the house the mums are doing well althought I think they are so tall they can't support their weight

Sunday, October 14, 2007

We hosted a wedding for Debra & Nils

What a wonderful occasion. We were so pleased to have everyone celebrate with us.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

What is it? Friend or foe?

Sure hope I don't regret pulling these suckers. Anyone have any idea what it is? Go ahead and take the poll - extra points if you can name it.
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Memory of a fern

Given my ability to hold a botanical image in my head (that is I can't) I'm hoping that by posting to this blog I'll be able to look back next year and learn what is a weed.
OH, wait... these are the same suckers we had in "friend or foe!"